
Kitting is the process of sorting, grouping, and packaging separate but related items together.
Kitting allows all of the miscellaneous pieces, parts, and components to be provided to craft workers in an organized fashion, allowing them to focus on assembly. This process reduces the amount of time spent looking for lost parts on the job.


The application of kitting should focus on finding common tasks and standard sets of components that can be pre-sorted into convenient containers or packaging. The kits are assembled off site or in an onsite yard to reduce unnecessary items from going to the field.

Kitting Overview

Kitting Overview

Best Practices

  • It requires smooth information flow between operations.
  • It requires centralized material logistics.
  • Adopt kitting when implementing takt production.
  • Look for ways to consolidate parts.


Kitting is the process by which related groups of items are combined to comprise one single package. This combination is assembled into a customized kit and prepared for sending to craft workers in a job site as a one unit. The kit is a carrier, such as a box or trolley, containing the parts and consumables for a single assembly task. These kits can be placed close to the location at which they will be consumed. Thus, assemblies can be performed more efficiently through the use of kitting.


  • Use the JIT (Just-in-Time) principle to send kits to job sites to avoid material piles, which can limit worker mobility and cause delays.
  • While maintaining the standard format, customize each kit based on the project-specific requirements.


  • Neglect to identify the right components for the kitting combination.

Business Drivers

  • Streamline the onsite assembly process.
  • Less track and packaging on site.
  • Increase workflow reliability and on-site labor productivity.
  • Improve workers’ workplace utilization rate.
  • Planning and controlling material deliveries.


  • Time savings during construction.
  • Cost savings organizing materials and managing packaging.
  • Increased efficiency and on-site labor productivity.
  • Reduces waste and rework.
  • Stabilize assembly work and increase workplace utilization.

Complementary Methods


  • Article: Tetik, M., Peltokorpi, A., Seppänen, O., Leväniemi, M., & Holmström, J. (2021). Kitting Logistics Solution for Improving On-Site Work Performance in Construction Projects. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 147(1).